Structure and stability of biomacromolecules 2019
Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules 2019
11th International Conference
On behalf of the SSB organizing committee, it is our great honor and pleasure to invite you to the 11th International Conference "Structure and Stability of Biomacromolecules", SSB 2019 in Kosice, Slovakia in September 2019.
The conference dates back to 1999 when its inaugural session “Structure and stability of proteins” was held as a small local meeting. As participation grew over two decades, the event has evolved into an international multidisciplinary platform that brings together scientists from different areas. The programme of the meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for both junior and senior scientists to stimulate discussions in a broad spectrum of topics including molecular biophysics, biochemistry, biology and protein chemistry. Attention will be also paid to the recent status, development, and future research trends in bio- and nanotechnologies.
A reduced fee is offered for Ph.D. students to support the participation of young scientists. The young scientists are invited to participate in "The Young Scientist Award" competition for the best oral and poster presentation.
We hope that the former SSB conferences were memorable for participants both in terms of scientific contents and social activities.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Kosice in 2019 for 11th SSB conference!
Department of Biophysics, Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS, Kosice
Slovak Physical Society
Slovak Biophysical Society
Scientific committee
Diana Fedunova
Zuzana Gazova
Daniel Jancura
Andrey Musatov
Organizing committee
Zuzana Bednarikova
Miroslav Gancar
Igor Hrmo
Jana Kubackova
Veronika Hatiarova
Marian Reiffers
Katarina Siposova
Danka Svarcbergerova
Katarina Motykova
Vladimir Vanik
Andrea Antosova
structural aspects
factors influencing stability
ligand binding and inhibition
modifications and engineering
bioinformatics, molecular and nanodesign
applications in medicine, bio- and nanotechnologies
experimental and computational strategies for structural and conformational studies
Deadlines and fees
Registration fee:
150 € for regular participants
130 € for members of Slovak Physical
Society and Slovak Biophysical Society -
80 € for Ph.D. students
Payment details are listed below:
1. By bank transfer to the conference account:
Account Name (Beneficiary): Slovenska fyzikalna spolocnost
Bank Address: Hlavna 108, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia
Bank Name: TATRA BANKA, a.s.
Account owner address: Dubravska cesta 9, 845 27 Bratislava, Slovakia
Account number: 2662110021/1100
IBAN CODE: SK70 1100 0000 0026 6211 0021
Variable symbol: 030919
Please, refer your family name and SSB19 as a note of the payment.
Please note that all bank charges for bank transfer are to be paid by the participant.
The registration fee includes access to all scientific activities, abstract book, congress bag, lunches and coffee breaks during the congress, Welcome Reception and Farewell Cocktail.
2. By cash
Payments in cash (in Euros, €) will be accepted at the conference registration desk.

Abstract submission
Conference language
Form of presentation
Plenary lecture 30+5 min
Short presentation 15+5 min
Poster (format 80 x 120 cm)
PRESENTATIONS in .pdf or .pptx formats should be in 16:9 aspect ratio to avoid technical issues
The young scientist award competition
A computer data projector will be available. Ph.D. students and junior scientists up to 35 years are invited to participate in Young scientist award competition in both categories - oral presentation or poster.
If you would like to participate in the competition, please select this option in the registration form.
Abstract submission
Authors have to use the abstract template to prepare a manuscript and send it in doc/docx format as an e-mail attachment to the address ssb@saske.sk by June 30th, 2019.
Authors are requested to send the pdf version of the manuscript when contribution contains unusual symbols or equations.
The maximal length of the abstract is 2 pages (including title, list of authors, their affiliations and references). Abstract submission will be confirmed by e-mail. The date for the abstract decision is July 5, 2019.

Slovak Biophysical Society Awards:
Best Poster Presentation: Hovan Andrej
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Sciences,
P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Košice, Slovakia
Best Oral Presentation: Krafčíková Petra
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Institute of Experimental Physics SAS Awards:
Best Poster Presentations: Kundryavtceva Sofiia
Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology,
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Rachuna Jarosław
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics,
Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
Best Oral Presentations: Gančár Miroslav
Department of Biophysics,
Intitute of Experimental Physics SAS, Košice, Slovakia
Khaykelson Daniel
Institute of Chemistry,
The Hebrew university of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Awards were presented by Erik Sedlák, the president of the Slovak Biophysical Society and Zuzana Gažová, the head of the Institute of Experimental Physics, SAS in Košice.
Awarded young scientists

Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 47, Kosice, Slovakia
Slovakia's second-largest city, Kosice, is also one of the oldest towns in Slovakia. The first written record of the city goes back to 1230. Kosice as a medieval city has many historical and cultural sights. It is also a modern and vibrant city with short walking distances and a cutting-edge industrial sector. Find more about our beautiful city at the official webpages:
http://www.visitkosice.eu/en http://www.kosice.sk/index.php
Get in:
By airplane
Kosice international airport (KSC) is located 8 km from the city center.
The TAXI service is provided in front of the arrival terminal. The ride to the hotel costs about 15 - 20 €.
Kosice can be reached also from Budapest airport followed by 3 hours ride in shuttle minibus (33-50 € per person).
By train
Kosice main train station is located near downtown.
Hall of Residence of Technical University, B. Nemcovej 1,(recommended for students, 18 €, 5 min walking to the conference place) - we will book this accommodation for you, please fill in the form if you are interested.
If you are interested in other accommodation, please book it individually.
Suggested accommodation facilities:
If you have any question, feel free to contact us on ssb@saske.sk.
Invited lectures:
Jozef Adamcik - ETH-Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Amyloid polymorphism: fibril versus crystal
Marianna Barbalinardo - CNR, Instituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, Bologna, Italy
Cell-biomaterials interactions for regenerative medicine
Jacob Bauer - Institute of Molecular Biology, SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
How Arrhythmia-Associated Mutations Alter the Dynamics of the Human Cardiac Ryanodine Receptor N-terminal Domain
Ondrej Cehlar - Institute of Neuroimunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
Conformational propensities of tau peptides forming the cores of pathological filaments
Janosch Ehrenmann - Department of Biochemistry, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland
Engineering of a Multi-Domain GPCR for Crystal Structure Determination
Jozef Hritz - CEITEC, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Modulation of monomer-dimer equilibrium of 14-3-3 proteins
Chin-Kun Hu - Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan and National Dong Hwa University, Hualien, Taiwan
Magic numbers of lattice models for biopolymers
Martin Humenik - University Bayreuth, Germany
Nanostructured surfaces via self-assembly of DNA-spider silk conjugates
Eva Kutejova - Institute of Molecular Biology, SAS, Bratislava, Slovakia
ATP-dependent proteases and mitochondrial homeostasis
Mai Suan Li - Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Oligomerization of proteins: Multi-scale molecular dynamics simulations
Wen-Jong Ma - Graduate Institute Of Applied Physics; National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan
Orientation ordering in mesogens as an effect of backbone alignment
Olga Matsarskaia - Institut Max von Laue - Paul Langevin, Grenoble, France
Ion-specific tuning of protein phase behaviour
Dorota Niedzialek - Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
The effect of metal binding on photophysics of azobenzene-based ligands and their performance as Abeta's slicers
Santiago Sanchez-Cortes - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, IEM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
The interaction of peptides with nanoparticles
Frank Schreiber - Institute for Applied Physics, University of Tubingen, Germany
Tuning Protein Behavior by Multivalent Charges: Aggregation, Diffusion, and Adsorption
Viktor Viglasky - Institute of Chemistry, UPJS, Kosice, Slovakia
Small local changes in DNA – a great effect on global structure and biological impact
Grzegorz Wieczorek - Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Study on the mechanism of amyloid fibril disruption by azo-compounds with Steered Molecular Dynamics
Gabriel Zoldak - Center for Interdisciplinary Biosciences, UPJS, Kosice, Slovakia
Mechanical interrogation of the nucleotide binding domain of Hsp70 using optical tweezers
Social program
The Welcome Party will be held on Tuesday, September 3rd at the lobby of the Institute of Experimental Physics.
Small refreshment and soft drinks will be served.
The Conference Dinner will take place at Precise Catering Restaurant (Strojarenska 3) on Wednesday, September 4th from 7 p.m.
Trip to the Gombasecká Cave and Manor House Betliar is planned on Thursday, September 5th in afternoon hours. Gombasecká cave was discovered in 1951 by a group of speleologists. It was open to the public in 1955. Out of its total explored length 1525 m, 235 m are open to the public (the path is walked through twice). Air temperature in the cave reaches 9 to 9,4 °C. This UNESCO listed cave in Slovak Karst has a specific feature: long tenuous sinter straws growing out of the ceiling. It's fairytale flowstone rain! House Betliar is fairytale-like two-storied manor with four corner towers. It is a stately hunting manor surrounded by a wonderful English park with romantic structures including an artificial cave and waterfall. Its history is associated with the noble family of Andrássy and one of the most remarkable things about the manor house is its main library, which contains more than 14 thousand volumes of mainly theological, historical, geographical and philosophical literature from the 15th to 19th century written in 6 different languages.
The excursion fee of 35 EUR will be payable in advance at the conference registration desk. The fee covers bus transportation, entrance tickets to the cave and castle as well as dinner. Please feel free to register and ask in advance for the alternative vegetarian menu.
Social program gallery
Feel free to contact me at gancar@saske.sk to add more pictures from social program.
LABAŠ s.r.o
Conference Secretariat:
Diana Fedunova, Zuzana Gazova
Institute of Experimental Physics
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Watsonova 47, 040 01 Kosice
tel.: 00421 55 7204 131, -135, -132
e-mail: ssb@saske.sk